Hiburan dari Akbar/News Online
Chelsea Handler, Leslie Jones and John Leguizamo among guest hosts to step
in for Trevor Noah on 'The Daily Show'
The end of an era is fast approaching at Comedy Central's "The Daily Show,"
and the network has announced at least the first phase of plans for what's
to c...
2 tahun yang lalu
'Forces' Sweetheart' Vera Lynn dies aged 103
Singer Vera Lynn, who became a symbol of hope in Britain during World War
Two with her song "We'll Meet Again," has died at the age of 103. Edward
Baran re...
4 tahun yang lalu
Turkey says it hit 115 Syrian government targets, destroyed 101 after
attacks on soldiers
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish forces have hit 115 Syrian government targets
and destroyed 101 of them in retaliation for an attack that killed five
Turkish so...
5 tahun yang lalu
Enggan bersikap tamak
DILAHIRKAN sebagai pasangan kembar, personaliti yang kini berkhidmat di
stesen Astro Arena, Akbar Shaari, 39, mengakui dia amat gemar berhujah,
malah kepet...
10 tahun yang lalu
Chinese Haute Couture Tailors International Ambitions
With a back beat of traditional Chinese drums and electronic percussion,
one of China's leading haute couturiers takes to the catwalk.
15 tahun yang lalu
Personaliti Hiburan
Assalamualaikum.... semua... lama betul aku tak menaip cerita-cerita
menarik tentang diri aku di blog ni. Terima kasih saiful a.k.a phyzxxx nama
ala ala ...
8 tahun yang lalu
Ring Ring Ringgit
9 tahun yang lalu
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!
This blog is coming back to life soon. Aku dah bosan dengan facebook! lepas
ni aku layan perasaan dgn blog aku pulak. Tahniah bro Nazali ...
10 tahun yang lalu
After birth urut...
Soon we will be revealing out after birth urut package which will leave
you feeling refreshed and get back on your feet to fitness and slimness.
You will...
11 tahun yang lalu
Maal Hijrah 1 Muharram
Assalammualaikum ToiFC.
Dah lama admin tak update blog ni, jadi, esok 1 Muharram, hari yg sangat
istimewa. Masa di zaman sekolah dulu, cikgu suruh nyanyi la...
11 tahun yang lalu
Telefilem Islamik 'Imam Bisu'
Lama jugak dah tak* update* blog sebab sibuk sangat dengan kerjaya,
perniagaan dan keluarga dan kebetulan pulak ni, adalah masa dan idea yang
mahu dikong...
11 tahun yang lalu
Mengapa orang arab jahiliyyah boleh percaya Nabi bertemu Jibril? Mengapa
mereka boleh percaya apa yang diucapkan oleh Muhammad saw mengenai beriman
11 tahun yang lalu
Hi. I'm Julia Ziegler and this is my blog to keep my friends and business
associates up to date. Thanks for stopping by !
(Photo courtesy Intoxi Kate Bou...
12 tahun yang lalu
*Paper Crane, a musical*
*will be opening in the *
*Penang Performing Arts Centre (PenangPac) *
*on Saturday, 25 August, 2012.*
12 tahun yang lalu
Cerita Disebalik Aku Sutradara...
Sebelum ini aku tak berapa ambil kisah tentang kerjaya pengarahan ini
kerana apabila aku berada di set penggambaran, selalunya aku hanya sebagai
pelakon ...
12 tahun yang lalu
Photoshoot majalah SANTAI
Linda bersama kru majalah Santai..
Baru kejap tadi Linda ke Ulu Yam utk sesi fotografi muka depan majalah
Seronok jugak pergi Ulu Yam ni. Ban...
13 tahun yang lalu
aku rindu blog aku!!!!!!!!
assalamualaikommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!ya allah
lamanye x jumpa kowang!!!!bnyk benda yg i nak update u olls!!!ya
allah...mmg bus...
14 tahun yang lalu
Pertukaran Blogspot
Saya sekarang sudah bergelar Saudagar..Alhamdullilah rezeki di bulan
Ramadhan...Blog ni pun saya sudah jarang melawat..agak sibuk sejak d...
14 tahun yang lalu
Announcing the end of this blog, and the beginning of a new one.
[image: yasmin rialto.jpg]
Salaam, all.
To keep in touch with my work, my thoughts, and my films, please go to
See you th...
16 tahun yang lalu
Jika sebelum ini peminat-peminat slot akasia, dihidangkan dengan drama yang
meruntun jiwa. Kini, setelah Manjalara, Spa Q, Bella ...
16 tahun yang lalu
International Entertaiment
How a Popular Post-It Note Trend Landed Me a Date
[image: Woman writing in the yellow sticky notes. Working on the table.
Empty place for a important ideas, plans, memories, messages, compliments
or othe...
2 bulan yang lalu
Rome Opera has COVID-19 friendly opening night at ancient chariot racing
As early as 2,800 years ago, Romans would flock to the Circus Maximus to be
entertained with chariot races. Now, the ancient site has been transformed
4 tahun yang lalu
Emmy Rossum In A Swimsuit
For a chick who had no problems showing her naked body on a silly TV show,
Emmy Rossum doesn’t do much on Instagram. It’s kinda disappointing. I dig
her lo...
5 tahun yang lalu
Listen To This: Eyes On You!
This is so cool!! And unexpected! NVDES start their song May and June off
as a French-inspired indie pop song and finish it off by giving us lounge
and lei...
6 tahun yang lalu
How Things Work
Gawker.com is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
8 tahun yang lalu
Summer Makeup Trends 2014 for Girls
It’s summer again and it’s really challenging for makeup artists to make it
melt-proof. So here are some of the latest makeup trends suggest by the
10 tahun yang lalu
Celebs.com Giveaway! Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn’s “The Internship”
We've got giveaways of "The Internship" Starring Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn,
Rose Byrne, Max Minghella and "Teen Wolf" hearth-throb Dylan O'Brien!
11 tahun yang lalu
Fear, Loathing, And Modern Medicine: The Faces Of The Academy Awards
Sure, last night's Academy Awards were the worst Oscars ever . But that
doesn't mean we were deprived the always-glamorous faces of the silver
screen. Ha...
13 tahun yang lalu
Jessica & Ashlee Simpson get their drink on
Jessica and Ashlee Simpson had a girls night out at Bar Deluxe Thursday.
I'm going to assume Ashlee wasn't drinking since she's breastfeeding, but
hey, it...
16 tahun yang lalu
Megan Fox on GQ Magazine
FHM's #1 girl this year, Megan Fox graced the cover of GQ Magazine October
2008 issue. Megan Fox also says something on that Miley Cyrus’ and Vanessa
16 tahun yang lalu